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There is no point in making a will

Wills, or lack of one, have formed the basis of many fascinating stories. From the cobbles of Coronation Street to the Jones’ two doors down, wills have made and shattered lives, torn apart families and created billionaires. We all have a keen interest in other peoples’ affairs, especially when things go wrong, but when it comes to our own affairs we seem to take a much more relaxed approach.

The impact of not leaving a will can have devastating effects on those you leave behind, but still, almost two-thirds of people in the UK do not have a valid will.

So why don’t more people make a will?

For some people it’s because they do not like thinking about their own mortality; others think their nearest and dearest will automatically inherit their estate without the need for a will.

If you die without a valid will your estate will be distributed according to the governments’ intestate rules: meaning some or all of your estate may go to people whom you never intended to benefit.

Many people say “there is no point in leaving a will, all I have is debt” but you may be surprised! You may be entitled to benefits from work; many people have life assurance on their mortgage or, if you died suddenly due to an accident then your loved ones may be entitled to compensation. Also personal gifts may not be valuable in terms of money but can often mean the world to the loved ones whom you leave behind.

Wills are not solely about passing on your assets either. You can include specific funeral arrangements and appoint someone as an executor so they have the authority to tie up your affairs properly. Without this authority it will make it a struggle for your loved ones to administer your estate, adding an extra burden at an already very stressful and worrying time.

Making a Will is a practical way to ensure that your loved ones receive what you would wish and enables them to navigate the grieving process free of any unnecessary worry and distress.

Who wouldn’t want that for their family? 

If you need help and advice on making a will then contact us today!

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